High-quality Tools for Maximum Profitability
Many tube and pipe processing companies exclusively use custom-made bending machines to achieve a maximum of precision and productivity. The full machine capacity, however, is often only possible in combination with a high-quality tool solution.
Global competition, more complex tube geometries, more exotic materials – the market requirements rise continuously. And with them, the requirements placed on production processes and production machines change as well. High-quality tool solutions provide a major contribution to faster throughput times, reduced non-productive times and an improved total productivity. “Those making false economies usually invest double – in the form of time and money,” comments Hartmut Stöhr, Managing Director of Schwarze-Robitec. Because tube bending machines are high-tech products, which offer constant high quality only with the corresponding tool outfit. Often, already detail questions regarding the geometry of the tubes to be processed, their material and their output quantity determine the dimensioning of machine and tool to a decisive measure. A lack of know-how can then quickly take its toll in the form of high reject rates, lacking quality and complaints. “Those who don’t buy the tools from the bending specialist should check carefully, whether the initially lower investment costs can actually be maintained across the complete production cycle,” advises Stöhr. “I recommend users to play it safe in this sensitive area and to benefit from the advice and experience of the machine manufacturer.
For this reason, the pipe and tube bending machine expert from Cologne, Schwarze-Robitec GmbH, does not sell any ready-made tool series products. Instead, the company offers a modular-configurable accessories program which is adapted flexibly to the specific project requirements. This comprises single-stack tools and multiple-radius bending tools both for series and high-volume production. Schwarze-Robitec designs the concrete material equipment especially for the respective user industries – specialized know-how has been available for decades for the automobile, boiler and power plant industry, plant and shipbuilding as well as the offshore industry. Common to all material solutions is the use of high-quality materials and special hardening processes, which optimizes the precision, wear resistance, dimensional stability and thereby the endurance of the tools. A high repeat accuracy is also ensured. “At the beginning of each project we provide detailed advice with the aim of finding the absolutely best bending solution for the customer,” reports Stöhr. “The result is always a long-term convincing production solution at the highest level.”